Saturday, October 20, 2007

What is Metal Gear Solid: Infinite War? [Update]

Filed under: Metal Gear: Portable Ops

A recent Sony newsletter revealed a mysterious title: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War. Could this be the US title of Portable Ops Plus? But, the ESRB has already rated a game named Portable Ops Plus -- surely, this can't be a different game! Is this a mistake, or is MGS getting a title change for the US?

[Update: Ryan Patton responds: "Infinite War" was the codename I gave to the project before "MPO+" was decided on. Funny how things find their ways to retailers. Thanks, Random!]

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What is Metal Gear Solid: Infinite War? [Update]

Filed under: Metal Gear: Portable Ops

A recent Sony newsletter revealed a mysterious title: Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops: Infinite War. Could this be the US title of Portable Ops Plus? But, the ESRB has already rated a game named Portable Ops Plus -- surely, this can't be a different game! Is this a mistake, or is MGS getting a title change for the US?

[Update: Ryan Patton responds: "Infinite War" was the codename I gave to the project before "MPO+" was decided on. Funny how things find their ways to retailers. Thanks, Random!]