Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rumor: Target may stop selling Manhunt 2 in stores

Filed under: News

Calling this just a "rumor" is sort of complicating things -- this is complete hearsay and by that we mean unconfirmed prattle. Apparently, a member of the Evil Avatar forums got hold of a memo being passed around Target stores claiming that Manhunt 2 will not be sold in their stores or online. At any branch.

This is getting the push because of the bad press the game has received the last couple of days, member Dr. Finger advocates. Who knows, perhaps its the violence that can be unlocked as well. Either way, this is a complete rumor until a lot of people actually start looking for games in Target. A few sold out stores here or there aren't proof positive. Not yet.

[via GamePolitics]

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rumor: Target may stop selling Manhunt 2 in stores

Filed under: News

Calling this just a "rumor" is sort of complicating things -- this is complete hearsay and by that we mean unconfirmed prattle. Apparently, a member of the Evil Avatar forums got hold of a memo being passed around Target stores claiming that Manhunt 2 will not be sold in their stores or online. At any branch.

This is getting the push because of the bad press the game has received the last couple of days, member Dr. Finger advocates. Who knows, perhaps its the violence that can be unlocked as well. Either way, this is a complete rumor until a lot of people actually start looking for games in Target. A few sold out stores here or there aren't proof positive. Not yet.

[via GamePolitics]