Sunday, March 2, 2008

Patapon developer Q&A video

Filed under: Video, Patapon

Patapon comes out ... well, today. This video by SCEA attempts to answer some last-minutes questions the members of Sony's Gamer Advisory Panel. We think we recognize some of the user names in this vid as PSP Fanboy regulars! The questions and answers aren't too revealing, but act as enough of a primer for those that haven't been following the game until now.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Patapon developer Q&A video

Filed under: Video, Patapon

Patapon comes out ... well, today. This video by SCEA attempts to answer some last-minutes questions the members of Sony's Gamer Advisory Panel. We think we recognize some of the user names in this vid as PSP Fanboy regulars! The questions and answers aren't too revealing, but act as enough of a primer for those that haven't been following the game until now.