Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rumor: LittleBigPlanet in development for PSP

It seems that CVG has been informed by an insider that the upcoming PS3 cute-em-up LittleBigPlanet is also in development for the PSP. Apparently Studio Liverpool, of WipEout fame, are managing the creation of the PSP version. That's all the information that's available, unfortunately -- and we don't have any idea how true it is, at that.

A PSP version of LittleBigPlanet could only be a good thing, in our opinion. Whether it's a shrunken down version of its PS3 cousin or simply a portable version of some of the content creation features, being able to interact with the LBP universe away from your PS3 would be awesome. If it's true. Hopefully we'll hear more about both the PS3 and PSP versions at some point soon. Nothing's been said about the game for a little while and the suspense is killing us.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rumor: LittleBigPlanet in development for PSP

It seems that CVG has been informed by an insider that the upcoming PS3 cute-em-up LittleBigPlanet is also in development for the PSP. Apparently Studio Liverpool, of WipEout fame, are managing the creation of the PSP version. That's all the information that's available, unfortunately -- and we don't have any idea how true it is, at that.

A PSP version of LittleBigPlanet could only be a good thing, in our opinion. Whether it's a shrunken down version of its PS3 cousin or simply a portable version of some of the content creation features, being able to interact with the LBP universe away from your PS3 would be awesome. If it's true. Hopefully we'll hear more about both the PS3 and PSP versions at some point soon. Nothing's been said about the game for a little while and the suspense is killing us.