Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dracula X Chronicles could be only Castlevania game on PSP

Filed under: Castlevania

In a revealing interview with Koji Igarashi, 1UP's Sam Kennedy found out that the upcoming Dracula X Chronicles may be the first and last Castlevania game to grace the PSP platform. Why? "When I first started on this project, everyone around me strongly suggested that PSP could be the best platform for Castlevania. But unfortunately, PSP's market has been shrinking as of late, so I will have to watch the sales of the game." Considering Konami's significant support of the PSP through its Metal Gear series, we hope that they'll see sufficient reason to continue developing for our favorite handheld.

The next game Igarashi will work on will be on the DS.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Dracula X Chronicles could be only Castlevania game on PSP

Filed under: Castlevania

In a revealing interview with Koji Igarashi, 1UP's Sam Kennedy found out that the upcoming Dracula X Chronicles may be the first and last Castlevania game to grace the PSP platform. Why? "When I first started on this project, everyone around me strongly suggested that PSP could be the best platform for Castlevania. But unfortunately, PSP's market has been shrinking as of late, so I will have to watch the sales of the game." Considering Konami's significant support of the PSP through its Metal Gear series, we hope that they'll see sufficient reason to continue developing for our favorite handheld.

The next game Igarashi will work on will be on the DS.