Thursday, September 27, 2007

No surprise: Crisis Core makes PSP top selling Japanese system

Filed under: News, Imports

When was the last time this happened? PSP finally took the top of the weekly Japanese sales charts, thanks almost exclusively to Square's new mega-blockbuster, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Selling over 95,000 units, about a five-fold jump in units sold from the previous week.

Casual observation during our ongoing TGS experience has shown that there are more PSP systems being used in the Japanese rail than Nintendo DS systems. Certainly, the impact of a brand new FFVII game is large enough to sell hardware.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

No surprise: Crisis Core makes PSP top selling Japanese system

Filed under: News, Imports

When was the last time this happened? PSP finally took the top of the weekly Japanese sales charts, thanks almost exclusively to Square's new mega-blockbuster, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Selling over 95,000 units, about a five-fold jump in units sold from the previous week.

Casual observation during our ongoing TGS experience has shown that there are more PSP systems being used in the Japanese rail than Nintendo DS systems. Certainly, the impact of a brand new FFVII game is large enough to sell hardware.