Sunday, September 30, 2007

PSP-2000 core systems now available

Filed under: News

According to various reports from our readers, it appears that PSP-2000 core systems (in Piano Black) are finally available in the wild. We'll admit it: we're frustrated by how SCEA has handled this launch, making it one of the most confusing system launches in recent memory. Instead of providing concrete release dates, the launch of the redesigned PSP appears to be quite stealthy -- is that appropriate for generating hype? We think the confusion surrounding the new PSP's launch will guarantee it comes nowhere near the success it's found in Japan. Unfortunate.

We've heard the system is now available at Target stores and online at Have you been able to pick up a system?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

PSP-2000 core systems now available

Filed under: News

According to various reports from our readers, it appears that PSP-2000 core systems (in Piano Black) are finally available in the wild. We'll admit it: we're frustrated by how SCEA has handled this launch, making it one of the most confusing system launches in recent memory. Instead of providing concrete release dates, the launch of the redesigned PSP appears to be quite stealthy -- is that appropriate for generating hype? We think the confusion surrounding the new PSP's launch will guarantee it comes nowhere near the success it's found in Japan. Unfortunate.

We've heard the system is now available at Target stores and online at Have you been able to pick up a system?