Sunday, January 4, 2009

PSP homebrew - Unofficial CXMB release for CFW 5.02GEN-A

Custom theme - Image 1

So you switched to custom firmware 5.02GEN-A and found out that Poison's awesome CMB plugin doesn't work anymore. Well, you'll be glad to know that that is no longer the case.

PSP homebrew dev Miriam has released an unofficial version of the CXMB plugin that is fully compatible with 5.02GEN-A. Check out our earlier post on Miriam's CTF Converter too, since you can just enable those themes under this version of CXMB after you convert them.

CXMB is a plugin, so make sure you have at least some knowledge of enabling plugins before installing this application. Feel free to look through the site or the source link for more info.

Download: Unofficial CXMB for CFW 5.02GEN-A

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

PSP homebrew - Unofficial CXMB release for CFW 5.02GEN-A

Custom theme - Image 1

So you switched to custom firmware 5.02GEN-A and found out that Poison's awesome CMB plugin doesn't work anymore. Well, you'll be glad to know that that is no longer the case.

PSP homebrew dev Miriam has released an unofficial version of the CXMB plugin that is fully compatible with 5.02GEN-A. Check out our earlier post on Miriam's CTF Converter too, since you can just enable those themes under this version of CXMB after you convert them.

CXMB is a plugin, so make sure you have at least some knowledge of enabling plugins before installing this application. Feel free to look through the site or the source link for more info.

Download: Unofficial CXMB for CFW 5.02GEN-A

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