Monday, January 26, 2009

Two videos show how to boot a Fat PSP using a Slim Pandora battery and convert a Slim battery in fat

Here's a little more to add to your PSP know-how. tinmanx from our forums has just posted two how-to vids on how to boot a Fat PSP using a Slim Pandora battery. One important note though, as with all attempts to tinker with your PSP, you do it at your own risk, although tinmanx provides troubleshooting tips, and with those, he hasn't completely bricked a Slim battery.

Before you start, be sure to take note of these:
  • Never dump the serial, make a normal battery, or Pandora. Nothing else.
  • The only time your Slim battery should be in a Fat PSP is in service mode, with the A/C adapter plugged in.
Okay, now here we go. In order to boot a Fat PSP with a Slim Pandora battery:
  1. You need the A/C adapter plugged in
  2. Plugin the A/C adapter
  3. Insert Pandora Slim battery
  4. Remove as soon as you are at the service mode screen (ASAP)
To convert a Slim battery in Fat:
  1. Enter service mode with your Fat battery, run cory149's battery tool.
  2. Agree - press X (this is a must)
  3. Convert your Fat battery to any other mode, so the convert to Pandora option is shown
  4. Insert the Slim battery
  5. Make sure the charge light is on (IT MUST BE FOR THIS TO WORK)
  6. Convert it and remove ASAP

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